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Apply for a Grant
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Apply For a Grant
Apply for a Grant
Our Form
Name of group
Group website (if applicable)
Name of primary contact
Primary contact relationship to group
Primary contact email address
Primary contact phone number
Is your group a choir, band or orchesrtra?
When was the organization formed?
How often does the group rehearse?
How often does the group regulary perform?
Does the group travel?
What amount of a grant is your group seeking? (an amount between $1000 and $5000
What will the grant money be used for?
In a few words, how will the grant money enhance the musical experience of the group or its audience?
When are the funds needed?
Please attach the following:
IRS tax exempt status determination letter
Budget for the current year (should demonstrate the need for the grant)
Financials for the prior year
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Thank you for submitting a grant request to The Harmony Fund!
Your request is now being reviewed. You will receive an email shortly with further information.
Nora Gile
[email protected]